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Sprint 2 Learning

What I learned throughout Sprint 2

Oct 16, 2024 • Kushi • 3 min read

What I Learned in Each Lesson

3.1: Variables and Data Types

Introduction to basic Python data types such as int, str, bool, and float. Understanding how to create and manipulate lists and dictionaries, which are essential for organizing and storing data.

3.2: More In-Depth Explanations of Data Types

Explored advanced uses of data types like Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Sets, and how each is uniquely suited for different types of data storage. Also touched on Booleans and the None type for handling true/false values and nulls.

3.3: Mathematical Expressions

Understanding the flow of operations in a sequence, learning basic mathematical operators (+, -, *, /, %) and how to create complex expressions by combining these operators to manipulate numeric data.

3.4: Strings and Functions

Learning the versatility of strings and how to use built-in functions to manipulate them. Explored methods like slicing, concatenation, and string formatting to better control text data in Python.

3.5: Booleans

Learning Boolean logic, conditional statements, and how Python evaluates expressions as True or False. This lesson also covered comparison operators and their role in controlling the flow of a program.

3.8: Loops

Introduction to iteration using while and for loops. Focused on the ability to repeatedly execute a block of code based on conditions, which is essential for tasks like processing lists or repeating actions.

3.10: List, Dictionary, and Array Manipulation

Practical ways to modify and access elements within Lists, Dictionaries, and Arrays. Covered essential techniques like indexing, slicing, adding, removing, and updating elements.

Relevancy Checklist

Assignment Weightage Grade Comments
College Board Coverage 20 TBD TBD
Python Examples 15 TBD TBD
JavaScript Examples 15 TBD TBD
Popcorn Hack Usage 10 TBD TBD
Homework 10 TBD TBD
Grading Plan 10 TBD TBD
Original and Creative 10 TBD TBD
Total 90    

Personal Growth

Hi everyone, my name is Kushi, and my group focused on lessons 3.6 and 3.7.

  • 3.6: Students learned how to use conditional statements in JavaScript and Python to control what happens in their programs based on specific conditions. They explored how to use if, else, and else if statements to check if certain conditions are true or false and execute different parts of the code accordingly.
  • 3.7: Students learned how to use nested conditionals and implement if, elif, and else statements to create more specific control flows in their programs.


In Sprint 2, my biggest achievement was creating a lesson that made learning about conditionals fun and effective. I could tell the class understood the material because they did really well on the quiz we made. Additionally, the homework hacks we wrote were real-life situations and made it easier for students to understand what they were actually coding.

We effectively addressed College Board requirements by checking their syllabus and making sure we picked examples and hacks from there. Also, Mr. Mortenson’s blogs were a great resource that helped us understand what we were teaching before teaching it to the rest of the class.


One group that stood out was 3.3 & 3.5. Their flowchart helped clarify how a computer processes code. Because they explained terms like pseudocode and gave us a general introduction to how coding works, the rest of the lessons in the future made sense as well.

Another group that stood out was 3.1 and 3.4. They gave a great introduction on variables and expectations of College Board for the AP exam.

Beyond Perfunctory

This Sprint on Big Ideas has significantly contributed to my personal growth. I made an effort to fully understand the material by completing the popcorn and homework hacks on time. I also asked for help from other groups when I found things challenging.

Due to the lessons the class has made, I now have a place to look when I need help on certain concepts. I can also look over the hacks in order to test my learning. Overall, this experience has increased my knowledge about coding and prepared me well for the AP exam.