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Hard Skills

Skill Mastered
Ratio Notes
Laptop Verification/ Cloud workspace Y 3.5 0.85 verification by Linux commands notebook
VSC Y 4 0.90 Live change code, commit, make, run localhost, test, debug
Show VSC GitLens Y 4 0.90 verify commits, show change, comments, reset to commit, run on old commit
GitHub student_2025 repo Y 4 0.90 template create, push changes, verify id, review analytics
GitHub Pages Actions Y 3 0.85 review runs and verify runtime, receive demo
Hacks Tools & Equipment Play Y 3.5 0.85 Hacks
Hacks GitHub Pages Playground Y 3 0.9 Hacks
Hacks SASS Basics Y 3.5 0.9 Hacks
Hacks Frontend Y 3 0.9 Hacks
Pair Programming Y 4 0.9 worked on a code with the group and collaborated together
Total x 35.5 8.5
Average x 3.55 0.85

Soft Skills

Skill Mastered
Ratio Notes
Attendance Y 4 0.90 perfect atendence in the class, always on time
Work Habits Y 4 0.90 i ask questions when I am confused
Behavior Y 4 0.90 polite and respectfull to others
Timeliness Y 3.8 0.88 I finish most work on time
Tech Sense Y 3.9 0.89 i can understand and comprehend the basics of coding
Tech Talk Y 3 0.8 can explain some concepts to others
Tech Growth Y 4 0.90 Learnt a lot about the overall idea of coding
Advocacy Y 4 0.90 always willing to ask peers and others for help
Comm & Collab Y 4 0.90 good at communicating with teams with everything related to code
Integrity Y 4 0.90 always willing to state my mistakes
Organized Y 4 0.90 knows where all my files and repos are
Total x 42.7 9.77
Average x 3.88 0.888